Chicken Breeds

 When you have decided your purpose of getting chicks, you need to decide what breeds you are going to get. Your purpose will affect which breed(s) you end up getting. Some breeds are better at producing eggs; these are called 'layers'. Some breeds gain a lot of weight quickly and produce better meat; these are called 'broilers'. Some breeds do an ok job at both; these are called 'dual-purpose'. Some breeds are pretty and showy; these are called 'ornamentals'. Most people that I know keep dual-purpose or ornamental breeds for pets. Here are some suggestion for breeds:

Layer Breeds:

  • Leghorns (White or Red)
  • Plymouth Rock
  • Wyandotte 
  • Rhode Island Red
  • New Hampshire

Dual-Purpose Breeds:

  • Plymouth Rock
  • Rhode Island Red
  • Orpington
  • Sussex
  • Delaware 

Broiler Breeds:

  • Cornish Cross
  • Jersey Giant
  • Freedom Rangers
  • Orpington 
  • Brown Leghorn

Ornamental Breeds:

  • Polish
  • Silkie
  • Cochin
  • Brahma
  • Bantams


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